Sunday, July 24, 2011

Recent Beta releases of Thor and PEM Editor

With the releases to Beta of both Thor and PEM Editor over the last two weekends, I have moved ever closer to getting them ready to go to production.

The big stumbling block had been documentation, but that is now done -- there is is complete on-line documentation for both, see Thor Help and PEM Editor IDE Tools Help.  (Note that you can get to the individual page for one of the IDE Tools from with Thor, on the second page of the pageframe).

There are in fact lots of neat features here that had been 'hidden' previously, mainly because there was no way to learn of them.  They are now discoverable, at least for those who browse the various pages.

Two I would like to point out:

(1)  There is a small block of code that you can paste into one method in your ProjectHook class that will have a variety of benefits; see Managing MRU lists and Source Code Control.  It is not what you might think, easy enough to install, and should not interfere with anything you are already doing.

(2)  There has been a tool for some time that provides a different mechanism for finding classes; see Open Files.  Note that there is an icon in the upper left corner here which allows you to drag the currently selected class in the grid and drop it onto the form you are editing -- or, and this is brand new, you can drop it onto the PEM Editor form itself, which will cause it to be added to whatever object is currently displayed in PEM Editor. 

(There are distinct benefits to this if, for instance, the container you want to drop this on into is obscured by other objects.)

This last item has caused me to expand my interests a bit, to include the Class Browser.  More on that in a bit.

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